Showing posts with label Financial Desires. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Financial Desires. Show all posts

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Money is everything when you are living in the urban, in general it represents power, position and authority. It is a tool that can maximize your purchasing capability as a consumer.

The basic practice in order for you to maintain the good health of your cash flow is to determine your wants and need and going to the process of decision making to put an action.

Personal Opinion: Wants and Need

Wants are the things that you like to have in your belongings or personal assets that may satisfy your urge of having one.

Needs are the things that passively a part of your lifestyle. These may be embodied as Food , Shelter, Clothing and Love which satisfies your natural requirement to keep moving forward in life.

Differentiating Wants and Needs in the 21st Century

Today we are living in a worldly and materialistic era of man, which we derived from what is the latest trend or latest culture of our environment. A good example of this is the influence of the social media to all of us, we see a lot of things blinded for what is the current lifestyle of our friend and relatives. This brings us to action, adapting and accepting their lifestyle to force our self to be like one of them.


We tend to forget our wants and needs, a good example of this is buying a new phone just like your friend has when you checked his profile on her facebook account. You immediately purchased a new phone replacing the old one which still working fine, wasting your money just to experience the same experience of your friend. A month later you failed to pay for the rent and cause you to borrow money ending up unwanted debts. A week later the utility bills are filing up and you are forced to sell the new phone you just purchased a month ago, and you find yourself in a critical situation.

Prioritizing your Basic needs is one of the simple action that may save you to future financial problems or debts.

It is not problem to fulfill your wants, as long as you are able to analyze and answer these questions:

• Do I have the capability to pay?
• Do I really need it?
• Will it maximize my ability to produce larger income?
• Are there any chances that I can avail this in the future in a much cheaper price?
• Will I able to maintain this? If yes how much it will cost me?

Identifying your Lifestyle

In order for you to make the final decision for your wants, you must know what is the lifestyle that you can afford, in connection with this, you must know your S.A.L (Statement of Assets and Liabilities) Or ask your Financial Manager. Knowing this can limit yourself to any unwanted expenses, it will be the net base for your ability to afford such things.


  • Think twice, analyze your wealth capability when affording for your wants
  • Secure your needs and savings first before deciding for your wants
  • Don't be fooled by the influence of the social media.
  • Affording your wants can only satisfy you for a short period of time and rest is history.
  • Ask help from your financial manager or a friend who is exercising financial management 
  • Discipline. Don't be shy to ask questions.