Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Why God is my new best friend

He is the most powerful one that he was able to give each one of us talents, skills and attitude, he is the most reliable listener, giver and a creator. But let me tell you why God became my new best friend.

After I graduated from college, me and my best pal transferred from Manila to Subic, Zambales, it was just a quick plan to stay there in a few months to test if we are capable to live on our own. Months have passed and my pal needs to go back to her hometown and I was torn between a decision whether to stay alone, continue to work until I have something in me that my family will be proud of or go home without any accomplishments in my life.

That was the time, I was able to conquer and forget about my doubts, God helped me to move forward and find another job, He never fails to give answers when am feeling doubtful and weary. I enjoy working as a writer in my second job and every night I pray to give thanks for giving me strength to continue my journey in a city that is never been my home town without anyone to depend on.

Year and a half have passed and I felt that I  am no longer happy and satisfied at my second job since it has caused me to lose people I never thought will never leave me for richer or for poorer. I was devastated back then, I was asking God why He let did these things happened to me? One night in my apartment, I was crying over and over again for the things that happened to me and no one is there for me and I realized  God has moved me in ways I cannot imagine.  You want to know what it was?

He showed me the light that will guide me unto my path with right choices and right people, I felt His love when I am no longer connected to the people who hurt me and telling me that I need to be the person that will pass their standards. I told myself from that day on, I will never let anyone changed me into someone that I AM NOT. God and I were able to solve my problem to find a better place to work with people that have good hearts and indeed open-minded ones. Here I am now, working in a new company with my new family at heart.

I thought it was the end of my worries after I found my third job, I have encountered an obstacle that tested me whether to trust Him again or lose my faith in Him. There was a time that I got tired from pushing myself to my limits at work and I have no penny to buy myself a dinner meal even a single coin, I thought it was the first time ever in my entire life that I won’t be able to sleep without any food on my hungry tummy.

Suddenly, my partner was able to go home with a food and a smile on his face and hugged me and said “Today we don’t have to worry about our dinner meal, God is indeed a good provider”.

All these adventures of ours, I have come up with realizations that it’s true, God will never give us obstacles without nurturing us life lessons and will keep us to move forward and love the life you are entitled to borrow.

Until then, I have found my new best friend and it is Him. J

Sunday, March 29, 2015

All I Have: Song Review

All I Have
Song Review

Have you ever dream of meeting someone made just for you and fantasizing about your future together? What if you have found the right love in the wrong time, can you still be the woman you ever was, after all the shortcomings and challenges coming through?

The song of J.Lo “All I Have” signifies every woman on earth, who had lost their integrity, gave everything they could and shattered their own plans just for the sake of love and yet nothing good had happened to your relationship with your man. To make it worst, you have wasted your time to aim for your personal goals because you met someone you thought could be the one destined for you.

 All you did at night is to cry, reminisce and getting hurt, think about yourself; is this the life your parents have planned for you?

It is never too late to save yourself from someone who cannot love you the way you wanted in return because the mere fact that we are not created perfectly, we cannot expect our significant partner to be perfect. Admit it or not: we as women we are truly not perfect but we are trying to put things together when everything is falling apart.

Do not try to hold yourself down when he himself cannot change for good, learn how to walk away from someone who does not deserve you, someone who cannot appreciate you and all the efforts you exerted just to keep the relationship stronger than it was before. Learn how to love yourself, there is no battle who have won without retreat to plan things over, sometimes it takes time to heal all the wounds and forget the bitter past.

Never stay on a relationship that shaped you as someone you are not, a man who loves you sincerely will never ask you to change according to his desires as well as to his family’s standards.  Never settle yourself for less for someone who cannot give you his best.

You have your family to back you up whenever you’re planning to give up and move on with new perspectives on mind, they’ll be the first ones that will show you support you cannot imagine. You still have friends who can drink all night and laugh with you endlessly, God created your family and friends for you to treasure and value them even if you do not need anything from them.

It takes a brave soldier to end the battle, which means you are the only person who can save yourself from drowning to sadness, worries and stress. Wake up, life wouldn’t end up if you break up with him, would you like to be the last person to know that he doesn’t love you anymore and he is now planning to desert you? Stand up, make a life that every weary woman would wish they have the chance to make their lives like yours.


Thanks to J.Lo for empowering women who thought there is no hope after lost, rainbow after the rain. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Topics you discuss during lunch break with colleagues

It’s cool every time you spend lunch break together with your co-workers, this is the perfect time to break the ice whenever you are all damn busy to each and every responsibility you have inside the office. Lunch break can sometimes signifies bonding with colleagues. 

What are the most topics you’d love to discuss when you are all complete? Can you even think that only during lunch break you look sweet altogether like siblings? You tend to criticize each other in a nice way just like brothers and telling them pieces of advice like sisters.

Here are the most common topics that being discussed during lunch break at the workplace.

1.      Live Action Movies

The Avengers Movie Part 2 is fast approaching, you can’t resists but to keep on talking about your favourite characters in the movie such as: Captain America, Ironman, Thor, Black Widow and Hulk. The excitement you feel drives you to ask them to watch the movie together.

2.      Relationship Status

Who would have thought that your colleagues can also be your friends or a mentor? During those bad times you will feel their support for you to become stronger than you are, braver than before and be yourself. They are the people you always run when you suddenly want to burst out or let your worries cast upon you.

This is when you are confused about your current situation with your partner you are asking their opinions and somehow implement them to yourself. After a while, you will absolutely feel fine. Thanks to your colleagues! ;)

3.      Problems unresolved

When we say problems unresolved, it does not necessarily mean conflict among you, these problems are your current enemies:

If you are a web developer, your enemy is the bug.
If you are a writer, your enemy is the punctuation marks.
If you are a sales specialist, your enemy is the travel schedule with a boss.
If you are a photographer, your enemy is the tripod that won’t stand properly.
If you are a Graphic Designer, your enemy is how to manage your client’s expectation.

4.      Relaxation

For sure, you are too excited to get out of your office to keep yourself away from stress or something that bothers you, during those lunch breaks you have, women like you love to ask others if there are new restaurants, nail spas in the city to end your night perfectly.

5.      Real Life Situations

Have you ever tried to open to your colleagues regarding your personal problems and how to set your own priorities? Sometimes when you let it out of your mind, try to listen to others with an open-minded person you can be and you’ll surely be inspired on what others think and opinion regarding your current real life situation.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Why you should not engage to an argument

You may encounter hurdles along your way but definitely you will surpass it but when it comes to arguments it’s totally different simply because it involves another person in which you do not know if you will win over a certain argument.

In reality, when you ever encounter an argument there will come a point that you just cannot control yourself and eventually will lose your temper. Here are some reasons why you should not engage to an argument and certainly will enhance your personality.

Spiritual Growth
Just come to think of it, whenever someone triggers you to fight back, always remember that it’s not your loss even if you chose to keep quiet and never give them a hint that you are offended because honestly speaking, God knows you are not doing anything that can harm that person and you know yourself more than anyone else in this world. Hold your breath and remind yourself it’s not worth your time and patience if you will just remain calm and let the anger of that person released.

Emotional Growth
You are the only one accountable for every emotion you feel each and every day so might as well ignore them and do not absorb the negative vibes in your surroundings. Start your day with a positive attitude that no one can get in your way and obliterate a good day you have started. Be a good example to those people who are busy and do not have time to pamper themselves and you’ll see it’s more practical to gain more loyal friends because you are one of the people they chose to see, giving them an inviting and motivational energy.

Preventing a commotion
Can you consider yourself as a matured person when the only thing that goes into your mind is to fight back to a person that has the only thing in mind: To trigger you most, to the extent that other people who are looking up to you will be disappointed because you did not let the commotion to slipped away?

Limiting your networks
In our lives, we cannot stand alone especially when life crisis begins and you feel everything is falling apart? The moment you start to response to an argument and you just keep the conflict arises in ways you never imagined, you will notice as the time goes by you are losing your networks or we call “friends”. Admit it or not, not all in your circle of friends will agree with you, others may stand against your decision or you just don’t fit on the same page together.

Sooner or later, regret will knock on your door

In the long run, you regret why you did response to an argument that not even worth of your time. As long as you can prolong your temper do it, sometimes it takes a mature person to overcome an argument, let it passed away and forgive. 

Be humble, stay kind and laugh more often. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Money is everything when you are living in the urban, in general it represents power, position and authority. It is a tool that can maximize your purchasing capability as a consumer.

The basic practice in order for you to maintain the good health of your cash flow is to determine your wants and need and going to the process of decision making to put an action.

Personal Opinion: Wants and Need

Wants are the things that you like to have in your belongings or personal assets that may satisfy your urge of having one.

Needs are the things that passively a part of your lifestyle. These may be embodied as Food , Shelter, Clothing and Love which satisfies your natural requirement to keep moving forward in life.

Differentiating Wants and Needs in the 21st Century

Today we are living in a worldly and materialistic era of man, which we derived from what is the latest trend or latest culture of our environment. A good example of this is the influence of the social media to all of us, we see a lot of things blinded for what is the current lifestyle of our friend and relatives. This brings us to action, adapting and accepting their lifestyle to force our self to be like one of them.


We tend to forget our wants and needs, a good example of this is buying a new phone just like your friend has when you checked his profile on her facebook account. You immediately purchased a new phone replacing the old one which still working fine, wasting your money just to experience the same experience of your friend. A month later you failed to pay for the rent and cause you to borrow money ending up unwanted debts. A week later the utility bills are filing up and you are forced to sell the new phone you just purchased a month ago, and you find yourself in a critical situation.

Prioritizing your Basic needs is one of the simple action that may save you to future financial problems or debts.

It is not problem to fulfill your wants, as long as you are able to analyze and answer these questions:

• Do I have the capability to pay?
• Do I really need it?
• Will it maximize my ability to produce larger income?
• Are there any chances that I can avail this in the future in a much cheaper price?
• Will I able to maintain this? If yes how much it will cost me?

Identifying your Lifestyle

In order for you to make the final decision for your wants, you must know what is the lifestyle that you can afford, in connection with this, you must know your S.A.L (Statement of Assets and Liabilities) Or ask your Financial Manager. Knowing this can limit yourself to any unwanted expenses, it will be the net base for your ability to afford such things.


  • Think twice, analyze your wealth capability when affording for your wants
  • Secure your needs and savings first before deciding for your wants
  • Don't be fooled by the influence of the social media.
  • Affording your wants can only satisfy you for a short period of time and rest is history.
  • Ask help from your financial manager or a friend who is exercising financial management 
  • Discipline. Don't be shy to ask questions.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

How to spend your Sunday productively

Almost half of the population in the Philippines engaged themselves to every social networking site entirely of their day, specifically Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, either updating their status or checking updates of the others. These things cannot be considered as a productive day and hence there are still parts of our lives that we can turn our focus on instead of putting your nose into somebody else’s businesses.

Have you ever watched the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness”? Where Will Smith is the main character of the story, don’t you get motivated by that movie? If you haven’t watched the movie yet, let’s think of another person that you think you can set him/her as an example to yourself. Are you tired of doing the same old routine weekly?

Here are the things that will turn your rest day which is Sunday productively without costing too much on your penny.

Cook something extra-ordinary to your family, a sumptuous meal to eat that you guys were not able to prepare for the entire week due to your busy schedules. Somehow this is one of the things you can do to your family as your bonding and you’ll see, you become closer and closer to them.

Deliver and meet-up with your buyers, if you are running an online shop then this would be a perfect day to deliver and meet them for their orders basically because you are locked in 8 hours per day at the office and there’s no way you can deliver your products during your working hours without any deduction to your salary per cut-off.

Call your best friends and have some coffee or movie date, at times we unintentionally forgot that we still have our best friends outside of the working place, we only remember them during down times. Spend some of your time with your all-time best friends and share stories with them.

Tired of the curtains you ought to display unto your window? Stitch new curtains you might never know your partner will get surprised and appreciate your effort to redecorate your house and comforting room. For someone who’s not familiar in stitching, it’s time to learn how to produce; this would lessen your expenses also.

Pamper yourself, to forget to give yourself a reward is a big NO-NO! You work almost 5 or 6 days per week, waking up too early to arrive at work on time and catching up with your favourite TV shows at night. It won’t take up too much of your money to visit a spa for a whole body massage.

Be an Event Coordinator, it does not necessarily you have to take a course to be an Event Coordinator. You just have to know how to use your networks properly. Ask your friends and colleagues if they know someone or maybe themselves if they need someone who can rely on, in terms of organizing an event. This would help your savings to increase in a very nice way. Embrace a new field won’t hurt you.

Sounds easy? You know now what to do next Sunday, go and be productive! 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

9 Types of Best Friend you have in your life and their purpose

Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.-Albert Camus
We may all have our own best of friends and defining them what type of best friend they are, will help us understand their existence and to avoid any misunderstandings.

1. Guy Best Friend

He brings out the best unique part of you being a person, A best friend that will give you unsolicited pieces of advice to your petty problems from a very different perspective that you never expect to hear from him. 

2. Childhood Best Friend

This can be either your cousin or one from your neighbors, they know everything about you since the day you have started to join their circles. They'd love to see you happy and to achieve your long term goals as they are with you all the time.

3. Drinking Buddy

There are nights that you just can't stop yourself from releasing your worries and stress by going places, discovering new meal from a restaurant's menu list or just simply drink the night away. Of course, you have this drinking buddy every time you hang-out and exchanging stories of the week's events. Drinking Buddies are definitely the perfect ones to call whenever you need to chill after an entire week of toxicity.

4. "The Right One"

Your relationship with this type of best friend maybe fleeting but you know for sure, you can count on this person RIGHT AT THIS VERY MOMENT. She might be your first person you can call whenever you need someone to go with you to watch movies, talk over coffee or just pampering yourself.

5. Your Parents

Nowadays, this is very rare, you may not agree on this but honestly almost 9% of the people worldwide, there are still people who treat their parents as their long time best friends that they can run to through ups and downs. 

6. Number 1 Best Friend

Of all these types of best friend, your number 1 best friend trumps them all! You can call this person when something amazing happened to you, even when in crisis any time of the day. You can say anything under the sun without having the fear of losing them. 

7. Best Friend at Work

It's impossible to end your day without talking to anybody that can understand your deepest thoughts, to have someone enjoy eating lunch meal with you everyday. When the against all odds scenario appears, your best friend at work will definitely back you up no matter what happens, your dirty little secrets that you're keeping within you are safe with them. Sometimes, these are the people that will lead you to success, they are considered the "helping hands" that won't bother making amends just to give you their full support and effort. 

8. Sister/Brother from another mother

They never fail to reach out and check you out on how things are going on with your life  right now, you always call them when you're feeling down because you know them very well that of all friends you have in your life, your sister or brother from another mother are really good listeners that will never judge every decision you'd love to imply to your life.

9. Ego Best Friend

Yup, you read it right. Ego Best friend only remembers you when no one is their for them, they love to have you just behind their spotlight. They believe to themselves too much that you cannot simply handle but you cannot just stay away from them because somehow, you started to accept and love their imperfections. 

Ask yourself, what type of best friend are you?